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Newport Beach Charity Golf Classic

Newport Beach Charity Golf Classic

Newport Beach Police Association Charitable Foundation (NBPACF) is proud to announce it is hosting its Annual Golf Classic on Monday, September 12, 2016 at Big Canyon Country Club.

The golf tournament is hosted by NBPACF and will benefit Newport Beach 1st Battalion 1st Marines Foundation (1/1 Marines Foundation). The relationship between the City of Newport Beach and 1st Battalion, 1st Marines Combat Unit began in 2003 when the City “adopted” the unit to assist in emergency family needs, community programs, and Unit social programs.

The shotgun tee-off will begin at 12:30 PM, with participant registration and lunch beginning at 11:00 AM. Sponsors at various tees throughout the course will host food and beverage for golfers to enjoy. Contests with cash prizes are also a favorite part of the day for many of the players. Following the event, participants and their guests are invited to an awards gala, with entertainment, a silent auction, and a surprise local celebrity!

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